Help for PussenPlay

Filter Bar

The Filter Bar is found at the top of the screen. As well as containing various links to menu pages and other functions, its main function is to filter the data that is being presented in the table or graph below.

Selecting different filters will change the nature of the table or graph. Similarly, clicking on links within a table will also implicitly change the filters as you drill down into the data.

You can reset all of the filters back to the top of the data by clicking on the button.

The first drop-down allows the user to select a particular Site to filter on. Note that by doing this, you will change the nature of the table or graph to show more detail.

The second drop-down select date filters. You can drill-down into the data either on a Year/Week basis or by Year/Month/Day.

The third field allows you to select a particular host name or IP address. If you enter a host name into the text box, then it will be automatically resolved into an IP address by the system, and the Site will be changed to the correct site for that host. You must click on the button when you have modified this box.

If you are in SurfWatch mode, then there are two additional dropdowns to select the Blocking Reason, and whether or not to show only Denied pages.

Table Page

Table header icons:

The table will have various hotlinks within it. These allow you to 'drill down' into the data (where possible) and look more closely at the data that make up a given row, column or cell.

Note that some links will not be shown. This is because it is not possible to drill down at this point, either because the data is not available or because it would be computationaly unfeasible to do so.

Sometimes (when looking at older data) you will drill down to find an empty table. This is because the data at this level has expired and been deleted from the system, and only the top-level summary records remain.

When in SurfWatch mode, an extra link appears in the top left-hand section of the table. This allows you to switch between having rows split by Blocking Reason, or by Site or Host name. Although the Filter is active in both cases, you cannot drill down when in Reason mode.

Graph Page

You ar not able to click on embedded links within a graph and 'drill down' as you are on the Table page. However, you can switch to Table mode and drill down, before swithcing back to Graph mode.

If a graph contains too many column and bars, then it may be rendered as blank (the bars are too thin to show). If this happens, use the Column limit on the Toolbar to limit to the last (for example) 10 columns, or (if you are viewing a Clusterd Bar graph) limit the Rows to (for example) the top 10.


The Toolbar is located at the bottom of the page. It is shown best at resolutions of 800x600 or better. The Toolbar controls how the data is shown and formatted in the middle Graph or Table.

The first three buttons select Table or one of two Graph types. Clicking on one of these will immediately alter the central frame.

The next section controls how the data in the table, or the labels on the graph, are formatted and what the data mean.

Changing the options on the toolbar will immediately cause the page to refresh.

The final section of the toolbar contains the following buttons:

Detail Page

This page shows the actual log entries for the cell or column you clicked on. This page appears in a separate window when you drill down far enough to make it necessary. You can click on the links to open a new window on the URL mentioned in the log entry, and see exactly what the user was looking at.

Authorisation and Logging In

The system only asks for authentication when you are asking for more detailed data that the level defined in the configuration file. Authentication is always asked for when entering the Admin screen.

When then system authenticates you, it sets a cookie for that session that persists until you have been inactive for a length of time configured in the configuration file. After this time, you will be prompted to re-authenticate. You can alternatively log out immediately by clicking the logout button,

Individual users can be granted a number of different levels of authority. In addition, you can specify one or more sites to restrict the higher levels of rights to - for example, if someone has 'Full Detail' rights restricted to 'Pavilions', then they cannot see the per-machine analysis for Horsham.

The rights are as follows:

No Access
Pretty self-explanatory, I think. However note that the user still has the default set of rights defined in the configuration file, as these do not require authentication.
Site Level Access
This give the user rights to the top-level pages, showing data grouped by site name. So, you can compare Jacobi to Pavilions, but not drill down any further into a particular site.
Host Level Access
This will let the user drill down into a site (possbily restricted to a set of sites, otherwise into any site). They can see data on a per-machine basis, but not retrieve the actual log entries or see the list of sites that the machine/user has visited.
If restricted to a set of sites, then the user can only have Site Level access for the other sites.
Full Details
This gives full access to all details for a machine, including retrieving the log entries (if they are still in the database). If this is restricted to a set of site names, then the user has Site Level access (not Host Level) for the other sites. This is the maximum level of access you can give without giving Admin rights.
Admin Rights
A user with Admin rights can access everything, including the Admin pages. This implies Full Details for all sites, regardless of any site names set against the user.


An exciting toy used to educate users, reboot recalcitrant machines, and chase off anyone within range.
What I experience when creating help text files.

PussenPlay help file v0.1 27/6/00